Apex Legends solo’s league

Start Date : Start Date : 24th May
Duration : 7 Weeks
Prize Pool : €150
Team Entry : Free

So how does the league work?

1) Register yourself for the next upcoming event Via our challengerMode page: https://www.challengermode.com/s/R4G

2) 60 Mins before the tournament start time, confirm participation.

3) 4 games on world’s edge private lobbies.

Scoring is as follows:

1st = 12 points

2nd = 9 points

3rd = 7 points

4th = 5 points

5th = 4 points

6/7th = 3 points

8-10th = 2 points

11-15th = 1 point. 2 points per kill

4) After seeding you will be placed into either match 1 or 2. Your final placement in your lobby after the 4 games determines the league points you receive. (Not overall placemement throughout all lobbies)

1st = 20 point

2nd = 19 points

3rd = 18 points

4th = 17 points

and so on until 20th place = 1 point

5) After both Tuesday and Thursdays weekly games have been completed the leaderboard will be updated so you can see your final overall standings.

6) The league will run for a total of 7 week with one week break half way through and the finals on the Thursday evening of the 8th week.

Depending on confirmed attendees the amount of lobbies may differ

34 players Less than – 1 lobby

34 – 40 players – 2 lobbies

Our full Tournament ruleset can be found here;

For any additional support or questions please join our discord and message in #『❔』support-chat

Support / Rules / Sign
Please join our Discord : http://discord.gg/katanagaming